Thumb Reading

Thumb Reading

According to the theory of evolution, man has evolved from monkeys. The biggest prize of this journey of evolution from amoeba to human is the thumb. Among all species on earth only humans and monkeys have the thumb but the thumb of monkey is not well evolved. Acharyaji observed that thumb and face of everyone is similar. Face is the indicator of lagna, and thumb also is the indicator of lagna. The front side of our thumb is the indicator of face & the back of our thumb is back of our head. In fact thumb is the X-RAY of mind. Every line of thumb is like the railway track of the train for our life. The tilt of the apex/core of thumb towards any one of eight directions on thumb indicates the direction of life. The lord of that direction signify the area of profit & loss for what we are destined to face in this life. Please remember that Skills & circumstances are pre-decided.

Thumb is directly connected to our mind. When we go through Embryology, we can find that finger print lines take shape according to the hormones released by hypothalamus. And that very first stage of life, the thoughts of our past lives decides the frequency level of hormones because Hypothalamus is the most intelligent part of the brain and before contacted to this world it cannot possible that which level of frequency should flow. William G. Benhem wrote that each brain cell is an electric dynamo and energy generated by thoughts has been recorded in graphitic language upon palm.

Acharyaji can find out the lagna on the basis of thumb impression. This ability makes him a “unique & mystic astrologer” in India. He can sketch a complete profile of inborn potential of children and medical legacy. Acharyaji believes that destiny is not restriction, it is reaction and reaction can be minimize and maximize by new actions. Then let’s know your legacy, it may help you to adopt an efficient & healthy lifestyle.

Astro Calculus